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Why Life Groups Exist

Life Groups have one, simple purpose—to bring people together in unity. We believe God created us to live in community with others and only then can we experience the full life He intends for us. 

We believe life change happens in the context of Relationships. Meaningful relationships can be hard to find, and Life Groups exist to make life-changing relationships relevant and accessible to you. 

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.   // ECCLESIASTES 4:9-12 

Life Groups Offer People:

1. A Place to Connect

We were not made to do life alone. God created us for community, and Life Groups provide a place to connect and share life with others.


2. A Place to Grow

We believe every person is created with God-given potential to make a difference in the world. Life Groups are a place you can grow with others to become more like Jesus and reach the potential God has put inside you.


3. A Place to Serve

As Jesus modelled to us when he walked this earth, we believe we are called to serve one another and our community to show the heart of Jesus.  Life Groups are a place you can partner with others to serve the community as well as each other.

At New Life, we want people to gather together based on the things they enjoy and are important to them.


All groups fall within one of five focuses: 

1. Bible Study

A Bible study life group is exactly as it sounds, a group that studies the Bible!  Typically the group will agree to a passage of scripture, a book of the Bible, or a theme to read together. Then they will discuss and discover how it challenges them and can be apply to their lives.


2. Sermon Discussion 

A sermon discussion group is all about digging deeper into the themes and challenges of Sunday’s message!  Together as a group, you can discover what the message means to each of us and encourage each other to apply that to our lives.


3. Relational

Relational groups put a high emphasis on building relationships and getting connected with body of Christ, particularly in a Life Group setting.  These groups often have a larger focus on new believer and foundational discussions.


4. Community Focus 

Community service Life Groups are the action groups.  People join this type of group because they want to make a tangible difference in the community to show the servant heart of Christ.  Every life group will have spiritual element each time they meet (scripture, prayer etc.) however, a community focus group will spend most of their time serving the community.


5. Discipleship

The goal of a discipleship group is for the members to deepen their understanding of what it means to be a Christ follower.  Group members will be able to discover the unique gifts God has given them and start to step into what God is calling them to.

Group Structure

Groups meet for approximately 9 months from September to June.  


Groups meet weekly.


Groups may meet in a variety of places like homes, coffee shops and the church building. 


No matter what your group meets about, each meeting should be made up of four things: 


1. Casual Fellowship 

Laid back time to talk and get to know each other and build relationships. 


2. Activity or Discussion 

This will vary based on what kind of group you’re part of. It could be an activity like community service or a discussion about a book, scripture or the Sunday message. 


3. Prayer 

The group will gather prayer requests and pray at the beginning and/or end of each group meeting.


4. Spiritual Component 

Whether it’s through activities or discussion, always find
a way to include the Word of God. This can be as simple as sharing something God is teaching you with the group or talking about a verse you read that week.

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